GABBRIELLI TECHNOLOGYNAME: ISO CLEANER COUNTRY: Italy MODEL No.: GT1100; DESCRIPTION: • Instrument for strong cleaning on ceramic tiles.
• Steel construction, epoxy painted.
• The rod, box and cover are made in stainless-steel AISI-304.
STANDARD: UNI EN ISO 10545-14 More | |
| | NAME: GLOSSMETER GM 20-60-85 ° COUNTRY: Italy MODEL No.: GT0187; DESCRIPTION: Instrument to establishing the specular gloss on the abraded tiles, marble, granito, glass, paint, wood and specular surfaces. With a single key it is possible to select the measuring function, and the show result is visible on the display up to 30 seconds, later the instrument switch-off automatically. Calibration ... More | |
| | NAME: GLOSSMETER GM-20-60° COUNTRY: Italy MODEL No.: GT1016; DESCRIPTION: Instrument to establishing the specular gloss on the ceramic tiles, building material and finish, quality control of paint or ink, plastics, wood furniture, paper (coloured, rolled, painted), nylon, rubber, leather, photographic films, etc. The 60° setting is used for ceramic tiles, photographic films, marble, stone... More | |
| | NAME: COLORMETER CM-400 COUNTRY: Italy MODEL No.: GT0167; DESCRIPTION: Portable colormeter, suitable for tiles, powder, pastes, and other granular substances, with easily and accurately measured. The measuring head is detachable from the data processor. Now, you can take measurements directly with the head alone and can store up to 1000 measurement and up to 100 colour-difference targe... More | |
| | NAME: COLORMETER CM-200 COUNTRY: Italy MODEL No.: GT1654, GT1709; DESCRIPTION: Portable instrument for spectral analysis colour in ceramic industry and other many sectors (wood, paint, etc,).All the function and parameter are execute through 4 big keys on the keyboard and the easily menu that shown on colour 2,4” LCD display, SCI and SCE model and metamerism analysis for different working stat... More | |
| | NAME: SPECTROPHOTOMETER CM - 2500 D COUNTRY: Italy MODEL No.: GT1339; DESCRIPTION: Portable instrument, compact. One hand is enough to hold to operate it by means Navigation Wheel guides you through all the menu options with great ease forward/backward and pressing down like using a PC mouse. The large display shows all the information you need, either complete graphical and numerical color inform... More | |
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